Results-oriented Senior Leader

Experience in large Customer Success, Consulting, Sales, Support, Project Management, Training & Readiness and Operations organizations. Proficient in strategizing and translating to execution in business planning and development, general management, and operational functions. Skilled in restructuring organizations to reach optimum performance, driving high employee satisfaction with focus on sustainability. Background includes extensive international business with a strong focus on Asia. Strong beliefs in putting the customer at the center of the business and keeping things simple to execute. Recognized for building strong business cultures, exceeding goal expectations and for maintaining the highest professional ethics and standards.


Customer Success - Sr Director (Seattle WA)

Business Director for ITSM and Change Management team in Customer Success. Managed rhythm of business, quarterly planning cycles, org and VP monthly status meetings. Team development and manager coaching. Worked with internal product managers for reporting systems and requirements.

Consulting - Sr Director (Singapore)

Provided consulting services to clients in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology. Developed and implemented solutions to improve business processes and increase efficiency. Helped design Microsoft's next-generation support services.

Project Management (Long Beach CA)

Lead Project manager leading 8 project managers supporting all projects related to IBM's $1 Billion contract with McDonnell Douglas which included all Distributed Computing systems, Telco, and Infrastructure servers.

Chief of Staff (San Diego CA)

Chief of staff for VP of Global Services and Support supporting 1800 personnel. Director of Strategy responsible for developing new revenue streams and transforming the business from legacy to value-add consultative services for Life Technologies instruments, consumables, and reagents worldwide.

· International Experience
· Global Matrix Experience
· Leadership & Management
· Customer Success
· Strategic Planning
· Enterprise Support
· PMO Management
· Product Improvement
· Product Management
· Change Management
· Outsource Management
Customer Service & Support - GM (Japan)
Premier Support - Director (Seattle WA)

Led a team of 1200 Japan support engineers for Commercial, Consumer, Customer Service, Partner, OEM and Online services. Owned product quality testing for Japanese versions of MS software and had a team working national security issues with Japan Defense forces.

Responsible for Premier support sales for West region and managing Technical Support Managers who supported Microsoft Enterprise customers. Implemented the Premier Operations Guide standardizing all processes for delivery. Developer support for SQL.

Organizational Consulting - Sr Consultant (Seattle WA)

Setup Asia Services HQ and was responsible for ensuring all countries adhered to standards. Audited and coached country Practice Leaders to assist in optimizing their businesses. Engaged in escalation management.

PMO / Product Management/ Training - Director

Owner of Global training centers and Project Management Office responsible for optimizing operations and implementing Global Processes and internal Product Management. Responsible for Customer Journey and Voice of Customer integration to drive loyalty.

Sr. Manager (Long Beach CA)

Manager responsible for IT configuration standards and Infrastructure deployment and management for McDonnell Douglas and Texaco accounts.

· Consumer Support
· Partner/OEM Support
· Internal/Customer Training
· Field Readiness
· Content Development
· Escalation Management
· Technical Sales
· Scorecard Development
· Large P&L
Six-Sigma, Agile, PROSCI, EV, CSCS
PowerBI, Microsoft Office Suite,
Favorite Quotes

"If you don't like change, you'll hate extinction" - unknown

"Perpetual Optimism is a force multiplier" - Colin Powell

Outcome focused
Deliver Customer Value
Make it repeatable and sustainable
Make others great
Common Sense
Keep it simple
Flexible and Adaptable
Comfortable with ambiguity
Organize Chaos

"What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity" - Chip & Dan Heath

About Vern Ameen

Family of 4 with 2 teenagers. Wife Michelle, son Aiden, daughter Jennah. Avid world traveler having lived in US, Middle East and Asia. Visited over 40 countries. SCUBA diver with over 3000 dives around the world. SCUBA instructor for 8 years. Most relaxed when in or around water. Love experiencing cultures through their foods. In my travels the one thing that I have learned about people - the people with the least are the most generous when you need help.

Greatest Challenge and Greatest Reward - Leading a large organization in Japan, in a culture extremely different from the US. Through persistence, understanding and inclusion we were able to change 15 years of business culture of low employee morale and low customer satisfaction to mid 80's within 4 years.

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